Look-in back

Recently I received, curtesy of Dale Jackson, lots of scans of Danger Mouse and Duckula pages from long ago Look-in.
I know for some people my drawing Danger Mouse was the most significant thing I ever did, coinciding as it did with a particular time in their life.
With lock-down and all giving rise to a good deal of trolling through the past it seemed that a little nostalgia could do no harm and my plan was to put a complete story here in a blog.
However, when reducing the images to the 300kb needed to load them here the quality was too poor. The words couldn’t be read.
VE Day

Victory in Europe Day, or VE Day is a day celebrating Nazi Germany's unconditional surrender on Tuesday, 8 May 1945, and the end of World War II in Europe.
Here some the WW2 British comics we were ( i was) reading.
more...Bored? Do a Rich Johnson

Rich Johnson had this good idea.
The picture he made a tribute to one of the many people in the kind of work long taken for granted and in the current situation now recognised as essential and important - those who serve in some capacity to keep us clean, fed, watered and cared for in the present trying, and risky, circumstances. We can manage without some things but not without bin men or . . . . . . . ( complete as you see fit with unsung hero of choice.)
If you have the materials you could follow Rich Johnson’s example and draw your choice of individual or profession.

Having seen so much in various media about newly house bound suffering from boredom and seeking ways to fill their days I thought to make some suggestions. That they have taken the form they have is probably an indication that it could be getting to me too.
Tough times

Due to the current virus crisis comics producers and sellers, like most everybody else, are struggling. It seemed difficult to produce a blog about comics which could be anything but a bit on the gloomy side. With the idea that if one has nothing useful to say one should say nothing my intention was to do just that. Then it began to seem a odd to ignore it.
There has been talk here in the UK of “the Blitz spirit” , , , , here presented are some posters from the 1940’s with possibly useful advice.
R.I.P. Albert Underzo

25 April 1927 – 24 March 2020),
French comic book artist and writer, best known as the co-founder and illustrator of the Astérix series in collaboration with René Goscinny,
Astérix is a warrior living in Roman-occupied Gaul in the year 50 BC. With super strength given him by a magic potion, he and his fat friend Obelix, keep their village safe from Roman invasion.
The Asterix series sold more than 380m copies, in more than 100 languages.
Not Ronan the Accuser

Long ago there was a drawing on the sketch page which was for a proposed make-over of Ronan the Accuser. It was never used.
This picture is kind of how I imagined he might look. I saw him as a warrior coming from a civilisation that did not mind throwing its weight about.
Done for no good reason, this image was made in the Paint app. There were a number of earlier versions.
I Kill Giants.

While ago I saw on Netflix the film ‘I Kill Giants’ directed by Anders Walter and starring Madison Wolfe - which I enjoyed.
Few days later I found in my library the comic book by writer Joe Kelly and artist Ken Nimura from which the film had been adapted.
I read and enjoyed that.
It got me to musing on how we read comics.
The Flying Lesson

Exhibition of the work of Polish born cartoonist Andrzej Krauze.
22nd February - 17th May.2020
Though you need to be in Poland to see it.
It is on at Zachęta – National Gallery of Art in Warsaw.
Poland has a long and distinguished history in graphic art.
Library offer

Result. Dundee University are to take the entire collection
The university has graduate and post graduate courses in Comics and Graphic Novels in both design and in literature degrees.
Library offer part 4

Here listed the comics that are part of the collection over 500 publications I would like to give to anyone who can collect, care for, and make them available , ,
Library offer part 3

Here a list of the graphic novels that are part of the collection that is on offer to anyone who can collect, care for, and make it available to folk with an interest in comics and comic history.
Library offer part 2

So far there has been no response to my offer to give my comic book library to any worthy recipient. Worthy in this instance meaning an establishment that will make them available to the public and/or students.
The list of books on comic history appears a few blogs over.
As further enticement below is a list of the ‘Collected Editions’ that come with this amazing offer.
More Alan Moore

Recently I came across two items about comic’s favourite creator who should have had a role in the Harry Potter movies, Alan Moore.
One, stemming from his daughter Leah Moore, concerned Alan’s treatment by the American comics industry and his reaction to it.
Library offer
19/11/ 2019
Comic-book library anyone?
I have lots of comics and comic related books. Recently I took the trouble to list them. Comics 263. Collected Editions 155. Graphic Novels 58. Publications devoted to individual artists 17. Other (books, magazines, catalogues) 55. History 39, Not all of them are in perfect condition but the majority are good.

Tate Britain
London SW1P 4RG
11 September 2019 – 2 February 2020
Tate Britain is open until 22.00 on the first Friday of each month for Late at Tate Britain(except January)
The Tate want potential visitors "to be aware that the art of William Blake contains strong and sometimes challenging imagery, including some depictions of cruelty, suffering, sexual violence and the brutal treatment of enslaved people.
more...Art Prints
These images are of prints made from my work.
They are fine-art prints, limited editions numbered and signed by me.
They are hand-made by established professional printer, with an MA from the Royal College, Jonas Ranson.
Rok the God

This is here courtesy of the old boys network.
The old boys in this instance being John, Alan and I.
Button Man, Netflix and the readies.

It took a while – a combination of red tape (theirs) and ineptitude (mine) delayed my Netflix payment but now it’s mine (It’s mine! It’s mine I tell you! All mine! ). Seems things are moving as planned with the proposed Button Man movie and I have ordered a new bed.
Saw a report (see link below) that Netflix are planning to spend lots more money on creating content in the UK.
Judge for Yourself

These are pictures I made in Paint some time ago. They were planned for a project I have since given up on.
Here now cos, . . . well why not?
All Judges shown, corporeal or supernatural, are copyright Rebellion Publishing
Spiegelman essay 'The Outsiders'

Art Spiegelman, comic historian. Pulitzer Prize winner and creator of ‘Maus’, wrote an essay for inclusion in the Folio Society’s proposed compilation of golden age Marvel comics. The essay gives a succinct history of the American comics industries birth and early development. While America was debating whether to join in the war against Hitler’s Germany some comic creators, many of whom were Jews, had their characters fighting fascism - most famously Captain America punching Herr Hitler.
Smile, it's Chris Weston

Seen a few comics this week.
Only one made me smile. That was 2000AD.
It was the Judge Dredd strip, ‘Control’ that did it. Not for the humour of the story ( which featured un-chuckle-worthy piles of dead bodies, an insane murderer in law-enforccr uniform, and the titular hero blinded and buried up to his neck) but for the sheer pleasure of looking at Chris Weston’s artwork.
He does so much and with such authority it is a joy to see him at work.
I picture Chris in the purpose built Norwegian-pine shed he uses as a studio, on his ergonomic stool.

Una edición en español de 'The Beatles Story ha estado disponible desde diciembre de 2018. publicada por Norma Editorial
Disculpas - debería haberlo mencionado en el momento ..
Ahora también hay una edición alemana publicada por Dark Dragon Books.
Seit Dezember 2018 ist eine spanische Ausgabe von 'The Beatles Story' bei Norma Editorial erhältlich
Entschuldigung - sollte es zu der Zeit erwähnt haben ..
Es gibt jetzt auch eine deutsche Ausgabe von Dark Dragon Books
A Spanish edition of 'The Beatles Story has been available since December 2018.

Yossel: April 19, 1943’ by Joe Kubert
DC Comics
This is not your regular comic book.
First because technically it is not a sequential pictorial narrative with the story told in pictures with added words. Rather it is illustrated text. Great illustrations, moody and emotional, but it is the text that tells the story.
And then there is it’s subject
It is a first person narrative, initially from teenager Yossel, living in the Warsaw ghetto created by the Nazis to contain Jews. The conceit is that Yossel has been a reader of American super-hero comics.